Monday, July 20, 2009


So what exactly is higher education?

It is a chance for your child to continue their studies and open the door to all kinds of jobs and opportunities, gaining the skills and knowledge that many employers want.

Many courses that teach practical siklls to prepare your child for a particular job or work-based qualifications.

Going to university or college not more than just a qualification, but will help your child gain independence and maturity - they'll learn more about themselves, other people, develop new interests and what to do when they're older.

Higher education is likely to be the best investment your child ever makes. But there will be lots of questions about how to pay for it.

Things to consider

How whould be the best planning for my child get into higher education? What financial help is available? What and how to study and helping your child decide or make the final choices?

Are you ready to start planning?

Source: Parents guide to Higher Education, PARENT09, Aimhigher

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