Saturday, February 07, 2009


Gambar Nashrul semasa melancong ke Disneyland, Paris, Disember, 2008

1. Bila tinggal di seberang laut, seperti di UK ini, seboleh-bolehnya setiap keluarga perlu bijak menjimatkan perbelanjaan. Belajar dan bekerja dengan membawa anak yang sedang remaja, membesar dan memasuki kolej memerlukan banyak perbelanjaan harian. Walaupun, di UK pendidikan adalah percuma dan wajib untuk anak-anak sehingga umur 18 tahun, namun mempunyai bilangan anak yang dianggap ramai, kos hidup keluarga semakin hari semakin meningkat, apatah lagi dalam suasana ekonomi meruncing sekarang.

2. My third son, Nashrul is studying at Hull College, after finishing his General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) in Sydney Smith School on the western outskirts of Hull, East Yorkshire. He will be in this campus to finish his diploma in engineering. Everyone has different dreams and aspirations for the future, as he is. Sometimes because due to money or financial constraints, we cannot do much activities.

3. I felt most happiest, when my son received his Notice of Entitlement for Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA), yesterday. EMA is there to help with some costs, and to help my son carry on learning. EMA will support financing aspect as to continuing to learn and train. My son will get £30 a week, from the period 1 September, 2008 up to 31 August, 2011 and it is paid straight into his bank account. Allowance payments will be backdated. EMA could help him with the cost of books, travel, equipment or anything useful to continue learning. If any of your children are eligible for EMA, a Notice of Entitlement (NOE) will be sent to you confirming the weekly amount you will receive. EMA will consider foreigners.

4. Please check these requirements:-

4.1 If your household income is less than £30,810 then your child can get help with £10, £20 or £30 a week to put towards costs on books, travel or equipment.

4.2 Please check out the table to see what they could receive.

Your household income (financial year 07/08): How much EMA your child could get
up to £20,817 per year £30 per week
£20,818 - £25,521 per year£20 a week
£25,522 - £30,810 per year £10 a week
more than £30,810 per year no entitlement to EMA

4.3 What is a learning provider?

4.3.1 The 6th Form School/college, Further Education College or Special School. Students must enrol onto a valid learning programme in England, achieve the learning goals and meet the standards of behaviour and patterns of attendance agreed with your learning provider. Before receiving payments, student need to sign up the EMA contract.

5. Sesiapa yang mempunyai anak belajar seusia anakku dan rasa ingin berhijrah sementara ke UK menyambung pelajaran, ingatlah EMA boleh membantu keluarga tuan/puan. Ianya mampu melegakan perbelanjaan keluarga anda. Persoalannya, adakah badan atau kerajaan kita bersedia menyediakan elaun seperti ini? Di UK elaun diberi bukannya berbentuk pinjaman atau bantuan bermusim dan pilih kasih, namun untuk memenuhi makna kebajikan pada mereka yang berkelayakan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sdra Zali..bagus juga ye kalaulah benda2 sebegini dapat direalisasikan di negara kita M'sia. Kita punya pelbagai badan NGO dan Pusat Zakat ada di setiap negeri tapi itulah..pembahagian dan agihan tidak sekata..Mungkin saudara boleh berkongsi cerita ttg budaya, kos dan proses pembelajaran bagi anak2 kecil di sana.